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Thought Leadership in Action


8 Qualities of Well-Being: Practice Them in 2020

Personal Best Healthlines and Hope Health - January 2020
By Diane McReynolds, Executive Editor Emeritus

With the start of a new year, many of us promise ourselves to become healthier, learn more and generally do better. Yet most of us have trouble achieving specific goals, such as losing weight or feeling more positive.

Long term, we are more likely to succeed with changes and sustain health by focusing on our overall well-being. Take a broader view and ask yourself:  What can I do to achieve better balance and contentment in my life?

Start by learning the dimensions of well-being and practical ways to focus on each:

  • PhysicalNourish your body with balanced nutrition, daily exercise and proper rest. Get regular provider checkups and immunizations. Practice safety and drive defensively.
  • EmotionalKnow your feelings. Try to find positives in worry and negatives by learning from them. Recognize unhealthy thought patterns and let them go while viewing the good things in your life daily. Relax and relieve the stress.
  • SpiritualFind purpose in life. Examine your beliefs and morals. Ask: Do I have fulfillment and meaning in my life? It’s an ongoing process that can enhance your life and health.
  • IntellectualKeep learning. Seek activities that offer different ideas and stimulate critical thinking, curiosity, problem-solving and creativity. Take a class or research a favorite subject.
  • VocationalBuild professional skills. We gain knowledge and personal satisfaction with occupations that move us forward. Explore different career and volunteer opportunities.
  • FinancialManage short- and long-term goals. Start with small changes that add up to savings over time (e.g., make your own coffee rather than buying it). Reconsider unplanned purchases before buying. Build a savings account.
  • SocialConnect with others. Having trusted relationships can boost your self-esteem and buffer stress. Make time for friends or join groups where you can meet others with similar interests.
  • NaturalEnjoy nature every day. Take a walk outside, care for plants and notice the seasonal changes. Do your part to preserve the environment — reduce noise, pollution and unnecessary consumption.
How does wellness feel?
Some might say it’s like having plenty of energy — to work well, enjoy family and friends, and feel positive. Each aspect of well-being that you enhance can influence others; when you succeed in one area, you tend to move on to others.

For example, stress is a primary trigger of unhealthy habits, such as eating or drinking too much, angry outbursts, or spending hours on social media.
  1. List the stressors that are driving your negative thoughts and reactions.
  2. Find an active positive outlet and make time for it. Choose something you can build into your schedule that makes you feel good, such as long walks that ease tension and boost your morale.



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