Navigating the Horizon: Market Trends and Economic Outlook for Life and Annuity Professionals and Financial Advisors
In the ever-evolving landscape of life and annuity professionals, along with financial advisors, find themselves at the intersection of market trends and economic outlooks. Understanding the currents of the financial markets is not just a skill but a necessity for those entrusted with guiding clients through the complexities of life insurance, annuities, and broader financial planning. I...
COVID-19, the U.S. Life Sector and Long-Term Growth
Over the past year, many sectors in the economy have been significantly impacted by COVID-19. Some will recover, some will adapt, and some will not return. For the U.S. life and annuity sector, the COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly forcing transformative change. Having faced flat to declining sales for over a decade, the pandemic is now accelerating sector adaptation at an unprecedented rate....